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You have greater capability and autonomy to build your own habits than ever before in the world we live in today, and yet most people are living a life of distraction.

Most people’s habits are literally destroying their brains.

With these destructive habits, you won’t be able to progress.

In this article, I will help you become aware of the 3 toxic and destructive habits that are destroying your brain. I’ll then give you the tools you need to train your brain how to get the results you want.

1. Starting Your Day Too Slow

There’s a large probability that your morning is keeping you stuck. Your brain can’t be in flow when you’ve conditioned it to be slow.

Most people are slow to start anything. Because our society is trained and wired for consumption, most people spend their morning consuming things on their phone. Because of this, they never get into a “FLOW” state during their day. Most people are so trapped in consumption they’re dependent upon it just to get going in the morning.

Do you wake up starting your brain FAST? Or do you wake up consuming junk that then (literally) scatters your brain?

Consuming junk in the morning puts your brain into a state of over-analysis. Over-analysis is crippling(严重损害健康的). Think about how many different ideas and bits of information you can find within 5 minutes on Instagram. Starting you day like this will leave your brain confused and scattered(分散的). You will be trapped in a state of over-analysis for the rest of the day.

Involving yourself in too many things before you start you real work cripples(严重损坏) your success and creates unnecessary distractions. Being distracted makes you busy. Being busy makes your brain slow.

Rather than being busy, it;s far more powerful to have clarity about the #1 task, and then spend your energy in the morning doing that thing.

2. Doing Too Much

If you’re trying to accomplish more than three things in a given day, you’re focused on shallow and busy work, not deep and productive work.

Every time you switch tasks, you take your brain out of flow-state. Switching tasks shatters(打破了) your focus and wastes previous energy. Most people are used to task switching. They don’t know how to go deep in ONE thing at a time, because they’re not used to going for something big. Most people are task switching with their brain like a computer that has 50 tabs open.

If you want to accomplish REALLY big things, learn how to focus and go deep in concentration on ONE THING for 3-4 hours at a time. Most people will not do this.

When you have a thousand different things happening in one day, you’re not really focused on going deep in the few things that really matter.

The only way to vault obstacles and go really deep in your life is to go really, really deep.

This means doing way less in terms of numbers of activities, goals, and priorities, but doing way more in the things you are accomplishing and developing mastery in.

3. Failing to Rest

If you study any high performer, rest and recovery are essential to their routine. Because their work is so deep, they need to spending time unplugging and resetting.

If you want to transform your brain, give it deep recovery.

Forms of active recovery that are fun, beautiful, enjoyable, and playful will stimulate your brain into learning faster and performing much better when you are at work.

Most people have not trained their brains to be either fully on or off. They’re semi-present at work and never fully recover.

You want to train your brain to be fully on when your working, and fully off when you’re not. This will also impact the quality of your sleep.

If you want really, really good focus, and really, really good sleep, put your phone on airplane mode at night. Completely unplugging and go all-in on your rest and your recovery. To start transforming your brain, you’ll have to get your sleep to an optimal level.

Also, find hobbies outside of work. Be immersed(沉浸) in them. Have playful, fun, really enjoyable hobbies outside of work that you get passionate and excited about.